Monday, June 26, 2017

The Bomb and universal crass hypocrisy.

North Korea and the Bomb.
Watching and listening to the news on all major channels you will not discern any attempt to even start acknowledging blindingly obvious hypocrisy as regards Kim Jong Un of North Korea and his insistence on also having nuclear capacity.
Certainly nuclear bombs are very bad things and the World should be rid of them. However that is not the insistence. It is not the insistence being bellowed, grunted and snorted by Donald Trump on behalf of the rest of the planet, all adept at chorusing in support.
The reality … the indisputable reality … the blindingly obvious reality … is that Trump represents a clump of nations all of whom possess the bomb that none of them are prepared to give up.
America, China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, Israel, India and Pakistan all possess the bomb. Pakistan is run by those “terrible radical Islamic Muslims” that Trump identifies as the blood thirsty scourge of the planet to be kept out like vermin.
However by some process of cognitive gymnastics, crass hypocrisy and crude political correctness, the stance is taken that North Korea cannot be permitted nuclear status as is being denied Iran.
Certainly such a stance would be supportable if it were the case that all these other nuclear countries were committed to and in the process of giving up the bomb.
But they are not ... and it is utterly nauseating to see and hear a plethora of “talking heads” on the major news channels simply ignoring this glaringly obvious point. What they do instead is to add to the condemnation, opprobrium and vilification of Kim Jong UN as if the likes of Trump and Putin are not deserving of similar observations.  
Right now Trump has a nuclear-capacitated carrier group of ships circling in North Korean waters. Nothing could be more diabolically obscene. What exactly is being planned and envisaged here?? Will it be the case that North Korea will be nuclear bombed if Kim decided to “defend his country” by firing on a perceived threat in his waters?
North Korea is a military State run by a diabolical military junta. The populace is held hostage by this junta. They are no more guilty of the wicked machinations of the military junta than you and I are. They are like kids at boarding school.
The point is, and it should be obvious, that the junta cannot be meaningfully attacked without committing genocide on the innocent populace.
So what Trump is indulging in is crass dangerous buffoonery. It is obvious ... but no one is saying so.
What is happening here is that, whatever we might think, imagine or suppose about Kim, he has exposed the propensity we all now seem to have for routine hypocrisy on a pandemic scale.

It is very, very simple. If North Korea is to be denied nuclear status then those seeking to enforce that denial must themselves give up such status. 


If you have an interest in Southern Africa, social justice or a damn good biography go here --

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Other - without fear, favor or prejudice

an ordinary life becomes extraordinary

Book Site

History - The southern African region has undergone a period of
momentous change as the region, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana,
Namibia and South Africa, freed themselves from the yoke of
Social Justice - However, as always, what has this change
meant to ordinary human beings? Is there social justice?
This biography - written by a High Court Judge, Chris Greenland, it traces the life of
one such person in an intriguing, captivating journey of life. It is a truly
enthralling journey as improbable history is made. The magic
of Africa is ever present, and its animals play starring roles.
Truth - However, throughout the reader is kept challenged on the basis of truth.
There is a concern with the propagation of convenient untruths and
the suppression of inconvenient truths. See "Some Questions" below.
Justice and its subsets of racism, ethnicity and xenophobia are served up for
keen consideration. So too as regards the issue of systemic hypocrisy and
It is a story involving drama, in the courtroom, in the wilds of Africa ...
and in ordinary life.
There is an intriguing new treatment of subjects such as criminal trial
procedure and punishment, including the death penalty, whipping,
infanticide and the so called "right to silence" (5th Amendment in the US).
This is a "must read" for everyone and particularly those involved in social
justice and human rights.
Whether you are a historian, social scientist, a judge, advocate, lawyer or other member of the legal fraternity, student of law, human rights activist, one of millions in the Zimbabwe Diaspora, Southern African citizen or member of the US National Association of Coloured Peoples, in particular, this book will engage, fascinate and enthrall. It is also of keen relevance to all humanity, whose members are forever challenged in matters of truth and justice.
See "Book Review" - and/or navigate to "About this book"
History Foretold
When I published the book, in 2010, I could never have imagined that its impact statement would soon be vindicated in Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab countries. The impact statement says that an ordinary life becomes extraordinary, so as to be meaningful to others and to make a difference if the truth is pursued. The insistence is that if ordinary folk reject the well established culture around propagating convenient untruth and suppressing inconvenient truth, then social justice has the best chance of achievement.

This book should be of immense interest to members of the NAACP as it centers around the life of a Coloured person, as an enthralling story, spanning four different countries in the Southern African region at a time of its most revolutionary change.
I'm for truth, no matter who tells it; I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against.
Malcolm X

eBook - for the US
eBook - for Europe/Africa

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Other … and Trump

In 2010 I published a book. It is a social justice commentary, interleaved with my autobiography, supported by enthralling, provocative anecdotes. It was only after I had written the book that its name emerged as self-suggestive and this came as a surprise. From the sum of its parts it struck me forcefully that, generally speaking, human beings relate to each other as “us”, “them” and “others”. I had been fully aware that we are almost inevitably constrained into “us” and “them” camps. However, it had never struck me that there were millions of humans who were being regarded and treated as “others”. 

“Others” are certainly not part of “us”. They don’t even merit being regarded as “them”, because that category comprises humans that matter, albeit as opponents.
“Others” don’t really matter. They exist as shadows that simply “accompany” those that do matter. They are recognised only if useful but are generally stripped of any right(s) to compete as equals or even to disagree. As said, they simply shadow the other groups. 
When you read the book you might find that there have been occasions when you too were treated as an “other”. People who are “others” typically find themselves up against a brick wall as regards issues. They cannot get answers and/or are just strung along indefinitely. They are not taken seriously. Being disregarded and/or treated as the “other” is particularly pernicious as it strips you of your humanity. Suicide is an ultimate refuge for extreme cases of the condition/status.
In this region, that has undergone revolutionary change about redressing inequality, we find the ruling ANC Party’s Chief Spokesman, Jimmy Manyi, insisting that Coloured folk are “over represented” in the Western Cape and should “migrate” out. This is despite the fact that Coloured folk are the majority and the only descendants of the original Khoi-San inhabitants of the region.
Jimmy Manyi is not being consciously racist or capricious. His mouthings are organically induced because of this unrecognised phenomenon of there being “others”. Coloureds are “others”. Blacks and Whites are “us” and “them”.
Now, because of the advent of Donald J Trump and the “Far Right”, I have noted that more and more political commentators are stumbling into use of the noun “others”. We should understand that brexit, in the United Kingdom, and the advent of the far right, led by the likes of Marinne Le Pen and Geert Wilders in Europe, was induced by a phobic sense that too many “others” were/are drifting into the other groupings. So, as much as many of the far right supporters are indeed rabid racist bigots, many of them are not. They are simply subconsciously acting out extreme discomfort with and about the advent of “others”.
However this raging Trump buffoon is on a conscious pernicious path to create a world comprising “us”, “them” and “others”. 
In Donald Trump’s world, the White male Republican is part of “us”, with the White male Democrat being part of “them”. Anyone else is part of “others” for being irrelevant and non-cognisable, especially Mexicans, Backs, Hispanics, Chinese … and just about all other humans on the planet. 
Please play the clips where Trump talks about Muslims … talks about Mexicans … talks about Chinese … talks about the disable reporter … talks about the female reporter that was “bleeding” … and pay particular attention to the tone of voice he employs. You will surely discern an attitude of complete lack of respect and/or contempt for these other humans. In Trump’s world members of the “others” group stand to drift in and out of the other groups at his complete, unfettered discretion.
Included in Trump’s psyche is a pathological need to provoke/drive all Muslims into the ISIS camp so that he can lead a modern day Crusade against them.
It is blindingly clear that Trump suffers from what is known as DID (Dissociative identity disorder) in terms of which he sees himself as an emperor on the world stage administering to and revered by naïve masses who will hang onto his every word and antic.
What this buffoon is actually doing is to relinquish America’s status as leader of the free world. He has a pathological need to be the emperor of an all powerful isolated America whose only attribute is complete dominance over all other nations militarily and economically.
In short, he craves taking the world back to the place it was before the lessons of the last World War and the Holocaust.
In them days might was right … not universal brotherhood and equality that the 1948 signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights gave the world as a paradigm shift in the historical culture of mankind.
Trump’s world for the future is one in which his group is in a combative, dominant relationship with all “others”. This is what political commentators and social scientists are now referencing as a commitment to “isolationist, protectionist, nativist, nationalism”.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Mankind is as dom as ever ....

Yes we are the species known as homo sapiens because we have the power of reason but undoubtedly our default mode is to be dumb. 
 This dumbness is very successfully masked, concealed, submerged on account of our very aggressive education systems, so most of the time we manage not to do really stupid things. However every so often someone comes along and gets us back to our natural state of idiocy. That is the hard evidence as unpalatable and regrettable as it might be. 
 That is why the very smart people of Germany fell for a diminutive ranting maniac, Adolph Hitler, and his diabolical “Nazism”. It is why Africans danced in the street for a genocidal maniac like Idi Amin Dada. Otherwise very smart White Rhodesians were led like sheep down an obviously disastrous path by Ian Douglas Smith. Then the supposedly smartest Africans, being Zimbabweans, repeatedly kept a really bad leader, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, in power. In South Africa the people have kept a cheap crook like Jacob Zuma in power even after they were fully informed about his perverse Nkandla enrichment to the tune of R245 million. 
Now we see that the supposedly most advanced people on the planet, being the Americans, have voted in the biggest recorded buffoon in history, Donald J Trump, as their President. As said it must be the case that our natural default mode is to be stupid, naïve, irrational, dense, dumb, dom … as much as this is covered up by education. However the likes of Hitler, Mugabe … and Trump have had the knack of getting us back to our natural stupid state. I started life in an orphanage and institution for deprived children, Sacred Heart Home. 
That school and the secondary school I attended were the most under-resourced in the Colony of Southern Rhodesia. But I now realize that I actually received a most fantastic education because, as much as I have done really dumb things, I could never fall for the stuff spewed out by the likes of Hitler, Smith, Amin, Mugabe, Zuma and Donald Trump. NEVER!!! NEVER NEVER EVER!!! ... and yes ISIS ... NEVER ... NEVER ... NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I realize that I had the best teachers on this planet in Sister Mare SND, Richard Brown, Danny Pillay, Vernon Bowers and others. They are my heroes. 
To my mind it is unimaginable that supposedly sentient beings can even start to believe Trump’s bleating that 194 other nations all conspired to diddle, cheat and laugh at “poor” America as regards the Paris Climate Accord. 
 At the High School I attended, Embakwe Coloured School, a person like Trump would have got a very good hiding for trying to “eat us in the ear”. 
So understand that we are all dom, but if you are a fan of any of the buggers I have listed above and paid for your education, you need to go and get your money back. 
Of course it might also be the case that we are not all descendants of the rather smart So understand that we are all dom, but if you are a fan of any of the buggers I have listed above and paid for your education, you need to go and get your money back. 
Of course it might also be the case that we are not all descendants of the rather smart homo sapiens but that most of us have evolved from the rather thick homo heidelbergensis, homo erectus, homo habilis, Australopithecus afarensis or the Neanderstals. 
What proves my point beyond all doubt is the way the current debate is being framed. Everyone is into arguing, quarrelling and going What proves my point beyond all doubt is the way the current debate is being framed. Everyone is into arguing, quarrelling and going bla bla bla about “climate change”. 
Scientifically climate change can always be disputed. What cannot be disputed is that “dirty energy” like coal mining is no good for our children, the planet and its creatures as compared to “clean energy” like solar. 
It is a simple matter of choosing which is the more What cannot be disputed is that “dirty energy” like coal mining is no good for our children, the planet and its creatures as compared to “clean energy” like solar. It is a simple matter of choosing which is the more responsible way to manage planetary resources; which increases rather than decreases survivability of the planet and its inhabitants. 
It is like choosing between an e-cigarette and the traditional tobacco fag. Does a surgeon use a kitchen knife or a scalpel? Why do we now use seat belts? As Arnold Schwarzenegger says - “ As Arnold Schwarzenegger says - “Does Donald Trump not know what is it that causes tuberculosis and emphysema”? Pumping black smoke into the air is just not smart if you can use solar instead. However, except for Arnold it seems, nobody is framing the issue in these obvious terms. 
We are not doing this because we are dom. 
If you imagine that I am wrong ask yourself a very simple question – do you think, imagine or suppose that our current management of the planet and its resources is at all sustainable in the longer term? We know that it is not … but we all acquiesce, connive and collude at this ruination of the planet because, as said, we are as thick as planks. 

 No question!!

For a really great book go to ----

Friday, June 2, 2017

Donald Trump - the grandstanding showboating theatrics of America’s emperor

a) The travel ban - (Muslim ban)
This was posited as extremely urgent in order to prevent Americans from being murdered by arriving Muslims.
The Courts blocked this racist agenda and not one American has been murdered by the thousands of Muslims that have landed in the USA since.
Instead thousands of Americans have been killed and raped by Americans mostly armed with guns whose irresponsible possession is enthusiastically supported by Trump.

b) Syria
In response to Bashir Assad’s alleged genocidal use of chemical weapons Trump fired off no less than 58 cruise missiles at some concrete in Syria.
Nothing was achieved.
This theatrical fireworks display has left Assad with exactly the same chemical weapons capacity as before.

c) Afghanistan
Trump dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb ever dropped, supposedly to incapacitate terrorists.
Nothing was achieved.
That country has just experienced the worst terrorist attack ever with 90 killed and over 400 injured.

d) North Korea
Trump bellowed, grunted and snorted all kinds of threats and warnings against Kim Jong Un and sent a nuclear capacitated battle group of ships into North Korean waters.
Nothing was achieved.
The chubby leader of that country has simply continued exactly as always and even increased the number of missiles he has popped off.

e) Nine-day trip overseas trip
Apart from settling a lucrative sale of arms to the Saudis nothing else of any significance was achieved on his much vaunted trip to Saudi, the middle East and Europe, except to severely fracture East-West relationships.

f) Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord

Now he has crowned his record of crass buffoonery by advancing the most ludicrous reasons for America needing to resile from its commitments as regards being more responsible about not polluting the world’s atmosphere.
His stance that America is some sort of "poor" victim of an international conspiracy involving the other 195 countries is easily the most idiotic ever posited by a leader in the history of mankind.
Nothing will be achieved by this except to posit America as the skunk of the planet.
Without exception world leaders have been queuing up to lament and condemn Trump's idiocy.
Nothing will be achieved.
His “withdrawal” will not occur as American industries do not support this nonsense and it takes over 5 years to achieve by which time he will not be in office.
His stance is so ludicrous that there are now some States, in the "United States", that are uniting to defy his "withdrawal" from the Paris Climate Accord.
It is blindingly clear that Trump suffers from what is known as DID (Dissociative identity disorder) in terms of which he sees himself as an emperor on the world stage administering to and revered by naïve masses who will hang onto his every word and antic.
What this buffoon is actually doing is to relinquish America’s status as leader of the free world. He has a pathological need to be the emperor of an all powerful isolated America whose only attribute is complete dominance over all other nations militarily and economically.
In short, he craves taking the world back to the place it was before the lessons of the last World War and the Holocaust.
In them days might was right … not universal brotherhood and equality that the 1948 signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights gave the world as a paradigm shift in the historical culture of mankind.
In addition Trump is trying to provoke all Muslims to join the likes of ISIS and Al Queda so that he can lead a modern Crusade to defeat Islam.
This emperor indeed has no clothes.
It is all about showboating grandstanding theatrics at obscene levels.
Comment 2
Fortunately Trump's loony and highly irresponsible attitude of "bugger science ... do as we like ... when we like ... how we like ... regardless of how damaging it is to the planet and possibly/probably future climate ..." will NOT materialize.
American industry and technology houses are too far down the line of commitment to developing and advancing clean energy.
That sector is actually producing 15 times more jobs than any other sector.
They are not going to reverse course now because on the mouthings of a buffoon.


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