Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We are all aware that cognito, ergo sum [I think, therefore I am] is a philosophical statement in Latin used by René Descartes, which became a fundamental element of Western philosophy. The simple meaning of the phrase is that if someone wonders whether or not they exist, that is, in and of itself, proof that they do exist.
That is philosophy. Wonderful stuff. What would seem more important though is that intellect, apart from life itself, is the greatest gift that we have as humans and emphatically distinguishes us from other animals.
But what is it that we do with this great gift? Is it used to consistently advance the interests of mankind, other creatures and our planet?
Might I invite you to a robust conversation on the matter. It seems to me, with respect, that it is a conversation worth having.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cognito ergo sum
I am of the humankind – Therefore I exist.
Intelligence; apart from life itself, is the greatest gift to all humankind. There are thirteen types of intelligence; humans have five or more. For some reason or another, our intelligence has been slow in developing, from the fire to the wheel. However, approximately 200 years ago this intelligence suddenly developed and has reached to a very high level.
Humankind keeps advancing not only to better our lives on our planet, but for greed, money, and power. Therefore, our actions, thoughts and words can be positive and prolong our lives or they can have negative results, causing the most dangerous and destructive world catastrophes of all times.
Everyday, new things are being discovered, especially in the field of high technology. However, our climate is changing fast, we are often informed about Global warming, and the dangers we are creating for our environment. Our lives are in danger, because we are completely submerged in electro smog, pollution of one kind or another in and outside our houses.
Our gift of intelligence must find a solution, “clean energy.” to save our planet and all forms of life as we know it before it is too late.
Humankind has suddenly discovered that in case of a world catastrophe the only life that will survive is that of some animals, plants and other forms of life in the abyss, which have evolved and survived millions of years. Their intelligence has helped them to cure themselves of illnesses and to adapt to any condition.
I wonder and worry about our existence as I am – so are others.
I know that without all forms of life, there would be no existence, no thoughts, no doubts, no nothing.
Rosie Granger

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