Friday, September 18, 2015

Dear Minister Baleka Mbete,

Yesterday at Stellenbosch University University, being an institution of learning, you said "What kind of South Africa do we want. We do not want a South Africa where people feel that they are small because they are not white .... and people must not feel that their language is  inferior".
I/we agree with you. It was at the heart of the evil apartheid system that the worth of a human being was determined in terms of skin tone, race and ethnicity. 
So a human being stood to be denied a job and or being awarded a contract if that person was not "white". And yes this had the effect of humans being systemically UNEQUAL under the law, i.e, some being "big" under the law and others being "small" as you say.
That is what made apartheid evil.
But Madame, I am confused.  I am confused because, under the current ANC socio-economic reform model, I have to be discriminated against as regards the award of a job or contract unless I can claim and prove that I am black. Although my language is not inferior it seems that my "brown" skin tone is.
This applies even if I am a "born free", i.e, born after 1994 and had nothing to do with apartheid.
This makes me unequal under your law and therefore "small" as you say.
So am I to conclude that it is your stance that the South Africa we want is one in which humans that do not qualify for the label "black" need to be made and kept "small"?.  It is the only conclusion I/we are able to reach as sentient beings.
It seems to me that the problem is that your ANC government is running with Model "A" instead of Model "B" in this reality meme.

So I/we are posing the question you posed. "What type of South Africa do we want. Is it a South Africa where humans must feel and be made small just because they are not black?"This is astounding.  It is astounding that the most credible liberation movement in Africa has adopted apartheid culture in the name of social justice.
It is actually vomitus ... but you seem very comfortable with it.

It seems to me that instead of actually addressing the legacy of apartheid poverty we have hijacked the color black and made it a tradeable commodity in which so many of your ANC fat cats are now dealing.
Am I right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Chris you are absolutely right. The ANC speaks with a forked tongue and, has since Thabo Mbeki days, actively been promoting racism and an Apartheid system of government. To be a Zulu makes you better and more African than to be a Pedi, Shangaan, Xhosa, Tswana etc. In the ANC's eyes, to be of Khoisan extraction (the first and only inhabitants for many centuries) is to be be a "nothing" these days. Of course to be Malay, Indian or European immediately brabds you as an settler / colonialist. To be a Coloured eg Griekwa, Korana, Nama, Baster or simply any mix of Black / White / Coloured / Malay / Khoisan etc also disqualifies one from being Black.
If the ANC persists in following / believing / indocrinating its Black citizens with this lousy and unfounded political claptrap (rubbish / garbage) spewed out by usually, poorly educated, mentally rabid, african nationalist ideologues, then South Africa is guaranteed a dismal future (just like Zimbabwe) and the African will once again be amazed that the world shuns them, sees them as lesser beings, primitive minded beings, beings who always choose to make the wrong decisions and then, like immature teenagers, brag about their misdeeds. If the ANC wishes to make a success of South Africa then it must immediately do away with its own racial intolerances and stop threatening its non-black citizens. For example, while the rest of the independent African states actively seek out the unique skills of South African / Rhodesian / Zimbabwean farmers, our unskilled, inept, bigoted and corrupt politicians, choose to chase them away or steal their farms and implements, thinking that by merely owning them a transfer of skills, knowledge and experience automatically take place. One cannot have an unskilled, untrained, inexperienced labourer being more equal that the one who provides the capital, machinery, skills, knowledge, experience and jobs.

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