Thursday, December 8, 2022

 Trumpism in America and Blackism in South Africa ... same to fanana.

Trump embedded a cult of Native Nationalist White Dominance that has infected the once great Party of Lincoln and Reagan pathologically.
In South Africa we embedded an exact mirror image of the Apartheid model of managing humans embodying racial Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment and Mbeki's Cadre Deployment ...
so that the once independent indigenous tribes can achieve dominance as "Blacks".
Our President is now unsurprisingly mouthing off about BEE so as to outshine his ANC opponents on the ideology of Blackism.
Note that there were never any "Blacks" here.
The label was imported to dehumanize our people.
But they have been conditioned into loving it. 🥹😣😖
May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'MAKBAMERIC MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Make Û Black Again As we Goffals say- "The Difference is the same".'
Gerrard Marshall, Carl Gilbert and 41 others

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